06 November 2011

99:1 doesn't always win


  1. ... and if you feel this cartoon accurately reflects some truth about the protests in the United States, it is because you intuitively understand that the government of the United States has evolved into something that is not a democracy.

  2. There is no Nature or Selection when corporations enable thieves to be bailed out by the Bush Cartel.
    There is pride and greed justified by racism, nothing more.

    And that 99% school of fish on the left are piranhas, the next scene shows one huge skeleton y muchos pescados muy contento.

  3. If history repeats itself, then OWS will eventually fork into two, or more, groups. Ones that believe that there is a peaceful resolution to the problem and those that do not. There's already some indications of the split from the Occupy Oakland [California] protests last week.

  4. The comment about a split between peaceful and non-peaceful demonstrations reminds one of the power the media has to create the appearance of such a split before it happens.

    All the newscasts I've seen, whether on openly partisan networks like Fox or purportedly objective outlets like NPR characterized what happened in Oakland as "clashes with the police." The phrase suggests that even if the demonstrators didn't throw the first punch, they repaid violence with violence. The video of the "clashes" invariably shows the police charging or beating on people who are doing their best just to get away. Still endless repetition of "clashes with police" will eventually make that the perceived reality.

  5. On the previous occasion the split seemed to come after the police shot a few protesters in cold blood. The other faction was there no doubt, but that seemed to be what galvanized them to action...Or else COINTELPRO

  6. What in the world does this have to do with natural selection?

  7. @tigre - prey class, meet predator class; survival of the most vicious (if you wouldn't take advantage of someone who is weaker than yourself, you're at a disadvantage - but only if most other people are like you)


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